Navigating Business and Mental Wellness

Take a moment to quiet the outside noise and come up with your own definition of success and happiness.

Welcome to Time to Live: Thriving in Business and Beyond. In each newsletter, we'll dive into episode insights, personal growth, skill enhancement, and positivity.

How do you define success and happiness?

I answered this for myself back in 2013 (an exercise that I do at least once a year). These papers are scattered in drawers around my house - letters and reminders to myself of my “why.”

So vintage! I wrote this when I was 32. I’m now 43. My eldest son was 2yo, hence the paint.

11 years later - what would I add?
  • Authentic and deeply meaningful friends with whom I can freely express myself without fear of being judged.

  • To minimize stress (if stress won’t help, it serves no purpose)

  • To create

  • To regularly unplug

  • To align my mind, heart, and gut and to speak from the most center part of my heart at all times.

  • The ability to use effective, kind, and empathetic communication while speaking my true feelings, thoughts, and opinions.

This Week’s Episode Highlight:

Interview with Karan Singh

This week, I had an inspiring conversation with Karan Singh, the founder of Ginger which merged to create Headspace Health. This is a special episode because this is BIG business. But, the lessons he shares apply to businesses of all sizes. Here are three key takeaways:

  1. Innovate with Purpose: Find a problem you care enough about to try to help solve, and then do a deep dive into understanding the problem so you can brainstorm solutions.

  2. Adaptability is Key: Challenging situations will always arise. Learn how to respond and adapt, rather than just react. Breath work can help with this.

  3. Reflect: “Don’t let other people define success for you. Come up with your own definition of what success means to you. Set your own bar.”

Simple steps to help you develop an entrepreneurial mindset:

  • Develop your “Bounce-Back” Muscle: Step out of your comfort zone and try something new. This could be a new activity, exploring different experiences, or simply chatting with someone new.

  • Practice Mindfulness: Engage in mindfulness practices like meditation, breath work or journaling. Start small, even just five minutes in the morning and evening. Take a series of slow, deep breaths, and set an intention and have gratitude for your day.

  • Collaborate with Others: Surround yourself with creative and supportive individuals and engage in brainstorming sessions with them. Collaboration often leads to unexpected and innovative solutions.

Positivity Corner

Here’s a simple action to spread positivity in your life and community:

  • Compliment another person: Take a moment to compliment another person. A sincere compliment can boost another’s confidence and push you outside of your comfort zone.

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Thank you for being a part of Time To Live: Thriving in Business and Beyond! I’m excited to continue this journey with you, sharing insights and strategies to help you thrive. If you have any questions, feedback, or topics you’d like to see covered, feel free to reply to this email.

Stay inspired,

Anne McGinty
Host of 'How I Built My Small Business'

Nominated for TWO

Winners will be announced on September 30, 2024. No matter what, making the final slate is already a celebration. As my dad used to always sing, ““Que será, será” - “What will be, will be.” 🌟🦋 

Last Week’s Episode Highlight:

Interview with Rachel Platten

One listener described this episode as “by far my favorite so far! LOVE how open she is and the conversation flows in such a fun way! Shows how she’s just a person who kept believing in herself and who struggled just like any other person might. Makes it all so relatable.”

You see, Rachel and I have been friends for a long time now - before she was famous and while she was at the top of global fame! As her friend, it is so good to see her find her true self after getting mixed-up in the noise.

Stay inspired,

Anne McGinty
Host of 'How I Built My Small Business'

When Rachel called me out on calling myself lucky. How embarrassing!!

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