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Imagine Saying 'I Get to Go to Work' Instead of 'I Have to’

Strategies for thriving in business, implementing sustainability and aligning your business with your core values.

Welcome to Time to Live: Thriving in Business and Beyond. In each newsletter, we'll dive into episode insights, personal growth, skill enhancement, and positivity.

This week’s episode was particularly fascinating for me to host because Naomi has always pursued purpose in her work, whereas the first 17 years of my career, I was laser-focused on making money.

Financial success gave me a sense of reward and accomplishment, but my heart often felt unfulfilled by the work I was doing.

Interestingly, or perhaps not coincidentally, while chasing money, I developed two autoimmune conditions. My entire system was out of balance and struggled to find equilibrium for about 12 of those years.

At 39, I decided to take a deep dive into my health, seeking to understand why my body was attacking itself, and after years of research, stacks of books, and trial and error with diet and lifestyle - I am no longer autoimmune, even though conventional medicine currently says that isn’t possible.

A big part of healing involved aligning my brain, heart, and gut when thinking and making decisions. For years, I was stuck in my head, but I didn’t fully grasp what that meant. This concept has been made even more clear in reading Dr. Arlene Dijamco’s (my sister’s) book I AM Intuitive.

She explains that the mind is closely associated with the brain but is not confined to a specific location within the body. This understanding (or lack thereof) can keep neuroscientists up at night because they know the mind is an emergent property of brain activity, but that it also possibly involves the entire body and extending to our interactions with the environment. (The next time you talk with a neuroscientist, ask them if they’ll describe to you the location of the mind!)

I experienced a seismic shift, an opening of the heart and perspective, from the sudden grief of my dad’s passing and the way I perceived the world in the days after. Between what I learned from repairing my health and from processing grief, I realized the importance of following your heart and staying aligned with body, mind, and emotions.

And that’s where the podcast began: a project where, for the first time in my life, there’s no end goal—because the goal is the process itself.

I wonder: If I had always felt that zest that I ‘get to’ go to work instead of I ‘have to,’ would I still have gotten sick?

This Week’s Episode Highlight:

Naomi Crawford of Lunchette, a

Petaluma, California local hotspot

In our latest episode, Naomi discusses a model for building a local, community-focused business, aligning work with life, and how strategies for implementing zero waste can increase profits.

Here are three key takeaways:

  1. Clarify Your Values: Identify your core values—what’s most important to you in life. Whether it's creativity, family, freedom, or helping others, knowing your values can guide your career choices.

  2. Embrace Sustainability: Sustainable practices can foster stronger connections with your local supply chain, inject dollars into the local economy, create a positive impact in your community, and boost your business’s profitability and growth.

  3. Align with Your Mission: Reflect on what gives you a sense of purpose. This could be a passion, a cause you care about, or a skill you want to develop. Align your work with this purpose to create a deeper connection to what you do. For example, Naomi's mission is to “build a thriving community,” which influences every aspect of her decisions.

Strategy Spotlight:
Building Relationships and Community:
Supporting other local businesses can create a network of mutual benefit. Collaborate with other local businesses to draw in more customers, and actively participate in community initiatives. This not only strengthens your brand but also fosters a loyal customer base.

Positivity Corner:
Transform "Have to" into "Get to":
Take a moment to reflect on what brings you joy and purpose in your work. By aligning your business and daily tasks with these elements, you can shift your mindset from "I have to go to work" to "I get to go to work." This simple change can significantly enhance your motivation and fulfillment.

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Thank you for being a part of Time To Live: Thriving in Business and Beyond! As always, we love hearing from you, so feel free to share your thoughts, questions, or feedback.

Stay inspired,

Anne McGinty
Host of 'How I Built My Small Business'

✨✨✨✨✨✨We Want Your Ideas!✨✨✨✨✨

For Season 2, I’m considering introducing themed series! FUN FUN!

Have an idea? Let me know by sending me a message.

Last Week’s Episode Highlight:

I connected with Karan through our kids and the support of a warm community. Beyond business and mindfulness, we've had the pleasure of sharing conversations about parenting, soccer, screen time, health, fitness, and lifestyle.

Stay inspired,

Anne McGinty
Host of 'How I Built My Small Business'

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